Yahoo! UI Library

button  1.0

Yahoo! UI Library > button > button.js (source view)
/* by: Daniel Barreiro (aka Satyam)
 * based on Anthony Pipkin's at:
/*jslint browser: true, nomen: true, maxerr: 50, indent: 4 */
/*global YUI */

 * Provides a better button object
 * @module button
YUI.add('button', function (Y) {
	"use strict";

	var Lang = Y.Lang,
		EVENT_PRESS = 'press',
		CALLBACK = 'callback',
		DESELECTED_CALLBACK = 'deselectedCallback',
		SELECTED = 'selected',
		BBX = 'boundingBox',
		CBX = 'contentBox',
		DEFAULT = 'default',
		DISABLED = 'disabled',
		HREF = 'href',
		ICON = 'icon',
		TITLE = 'title',
		VALUE = 'value',
		LABEL = 'label',
		INNER_HTML = 'innerHTML',
		PUSH = 'push',
		SUBMIT = 'submit',
		RESET = 'reset',
		TYPE = 'type',
		LEFT = 'left',
		RIGHT = 'right';
	 * The Button class provides a fancier type of button. 
	 * @class Button
	 * @extends Y.Widget, Y.MakeNode
	 * @constructor
	 * @param cfg {object} Configuration Attributes

	Y.Button = Y.Base.create(

			 * Overrides the boundingBox template to make it an anchor
			 * @property BOUNDING_TEMPLATE
			 * @type string
			 * @default '<a />'
			 * @private

			 * Overrides the contentBox template to prevent a content box from being drawn
			 * @property CONTENT_TEMPLATE
			 * @type null
			 * @default null
			 * @private
			 * Holds the previous value of the className assigned through the <a href="#config_icon"><code>icon</code></a> 
			 * attribute for easy removal
			 * (Eventually it will be dropped, see:
			 * @property _prevIconClassName
			 * @type string
			 * @private

			 * publishes events
			 * @method initializer

			initializer: function () {
				 * Fired when the button is clicked and no href provided
				 * @event press

				this.publish(EVENT_PRESS, {
					defaultFn: this._defPressFn
			renderUI: function () {
				this._locateNodes(LABEL, ICON);

			 * Removes the pressed class.  
			 * MouseUp is listened to at the document body level since the cursor might have moved
			 * away from the pressed button when released.
			 * @method _onMouseUp
			 * @private
			_onMouseUp: function () {

			 * Adds the pressed class to bounding box
			 * @method _onMouseDown
			 * @private
			_onMouseDown: function () {
				if (!this.get(DISABLED)) {
			 * Sets the title attribute to the bounding box
			 * @method _uiSetTitle
			 * @param title {String}
			 * @private
			_uiSetTitle: function (title) {
				this.get(BBX).set(TITLE, title);
			 * Updates the default class on the bounding box
			 * @method _uiSetDefault
			 * @param state {boolean}
			 * @private
			_uiSetDefault: function (state) {
				var bbx = this.get(BBX);
				if (state) {
					bbx.setAttribute(DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
				} else {
					bbx.set(DEFAULT, '');
			 * Sets the icon class for the bounding box
			 * @method _uiSetIcon
			 * @param value {String} class suffix (always prefixed with <code>yui3-button-icon-</code>)
			 * @private
			_uiSetIcon: function (value) {
				value = value || 'none';
				var newName = this._classNames[ICON] + '-' + value;
				this._prevIconClassName = newName;
			 * Sets the position of the icon relative to the label.
			 * Spans for icons are always set at either side, 
			 * this method changes a classname in the bounding box
			 * so that one of them is hidden
			 * @method _uiSetIconPosition
			 * @param value {String} 'left' or 'right'
			 * @private
			_uiSetIconPosition: function (value) {
				var cn = this._classNames;
				this.get(CBX).replaceClass(cn[ICON +(value===LEFT?RIGHT:LEFT)],cn[ICON + value]);

			 * Sets the icon class for the bounding box
			 * @method _uiSetLabel
			 * @param value {String or null} label to be set or null for none
			 * @private
			_uiSetLabel: function (value) {
				if (!value || value === '') {
				} else {
				this._labelNode.setContent(value || '');
			 * Sets the href attribute on the bounding box
			 * @method _uiSetHref
			 * @param value {String} url of link to be set.
			 * @private
			_uiSetHref: function (value) {
				this.get(BBX).set(HREF, value);

			 * Default click event handler
			 * @method _onClick
			 * @param ev {Event Facade}
			 * @private
			_onClick: function (ev) {
				var href = this.get(HREF);

				if (this.get(DISABLED)) {

				if (!href || href === '#') {
				}, {
					click: ev

			 * Default press callback function
			 * @method _defPressFn
			 * @param ev {EventFacade}
			 * @private
			_defPressFn: function (ev) {
				if (!this.get(DISABLED)) {
					var fn = this.get(CALLBACK) || this._callbackFromType();
					if (fn) {
						fn.apply(this, ev);

			 * Returns a function based on the type of button. Form buttons such 
			 *   as Submit and Reset are attached to their parent form if one is
			 *   found.  Otherwise null is returned.
			 * @method _callbackFromType
			 * @private
			 * @return Function or null
			_callbackFromType: function () {
				var bbx = this.get(BBX),
					frm = bbx.ancestor('form');

				if (frm) {
					switch (this.get(TYPE)) {
					case SUBMIT:
						return Y.bind(frm[SUBMIT], frm);
					case RESET:
						return Y.bind(frm[RESET], frm);
				return null;

			 * Constant for 'push' <a href="#config_type">type</a> button (the default)
			 * @property Y.Button.PUSH
			 * @type String
			 * @default 'push'
			 * @static
			 * Constant for 'submit' <a href="#config_type">type</a> button
			 * @property Y.Button.SUBMIT
			 * @type String
			 * @default 'submit'
			 * @static
			 * Constant for 'reset' <a href="#config_type">type</a> button (the default)
			 * @property Y.Button.RESET
			 * @type String
			 * @default 'reset'
			 * @static
			 * Constant to set the <a href="#config_iconPosition">iconPosition</a> to be to the left of the label
			 * @property Y.Button.LEFT
			 * @type String
			 * @default 'left'
			 * @static
			 * Constant to set the <a href="#config_iconPosition">iconPosition</a> to be to the right of the label
			 * @property Y.Button.RIGHT
			 * @type String
			 * @default 'right'
			 * @static
			 * Template to use by the MakeNode extension
			 * @property _TEMPLATE
			 * @type String
			 * @static
			 * @protected
				'<span class="{c icon}"></span>',
				'<span class="{c label}">{@ label}</span>'
			 * Class name suffixes for CSS classNames used in the widget
			 * @property Y.Button._CLASS_NAMES
			 * @type [Strings]
			 * @static
			 * @protected
			_CLASS_NAMES: ['pressed', DEFAULT, 'no-label', LABEL, ICON, ICON + LEFT, ICON + RIGHT],
			 * DOM events to be listened to, used by the MakeNode extension
			 * @property Y.Button._EVENTS
			 * @type Object
			 * @static
			 * @protected
			_EVENTS: {
				'.': {
					click: '_onClick',
					mousedown: '_onMouseDown'
				'..': {
					mouseup: '_onMouseUp'
			ATTRS: {
				 * Label to be shown on the button
				 * @attribute label
				 * @type string
				 * @default ''
				label: {
					value: '',
					validator: Lang.isString
				 * Function to be called on button click
				 * @attribute callback
				 * @type Function
				callback: {
					validator: Lang.isFunction
				 * Button is to be the default button
				 * @attribute default
				 * @type Boolean
				 * @default false
				'default': {
					value: false,
					validator: Lang.isBoolean
				 * Suffix to be added to the <code>yui3-button-icon-</code> class to 
				 * set on the button
				 * @attribute icon
				 * @type string or null for none
				 * @default null
				icon: {
					value: null,
					validator: function(value) {
						return Lang.isString(value) || Lang.isNull(value);
				 * Whether the icon should go to the left or to the right of the label
				 * @attribute iconPosition
				 * @type String ('left' or 'right')
				 * @default 'left'
				iconPosition : {
					value : LEFT,
					validator: function (value) {
						return value === LEFT || value === RIGHT;
				 * href property to set on the button A element
				 * @attribute href
				 * @default null
				href: {
					value: null
				 * Title (tooltip) to set on the button element
				 * @attribute title
				 * @type string
				title: {
					value: '',
					validator: Lang.isString
				 * Defines the button type. One of push, submit or reset.  Any value but submit or reset will assume push.
				 * @attribute type
				 * @type string
				 * @default push
				type: {
					value: PUSH,
					validator: Lang.isString,
					lazyAdd: false
			_ATTRS_2_UI: {
				BIND: [LABEL, ICON, TITLE, HREF, DEFAULT, 'iconPosition'],
				SYNC: [LABEL, ICON, TITLE, HREF, DEFAULT, 'iconPosition']
			 * HTML Parser assumes srcNode is either a &lt;button&gt; or 
			 *   &lt;input type="submit|reset"&gt;

				disabled: function (srcNode) {
					return !!srcNode.get(DISABLED);

				label: function (srcNode) {
					if (srcNode.getAttribute(VALUE)) {
						return srcNode.getAttribute(VALUE);
					if (srcNode.get(INNER_HTML)) {
						return srcNode.get(INNER_HTML);

					// default form button labels based on type
					if (srcNode.get('tagName') === 'INPUT') {
						switch (srcNode.get(TYPE)) {
						case RESET:
							return RESET;
						case SUBMIT:
							return SUBMIT;

					return null;

				href: function (srcNode) {
					var href = srcNode.getAttribute(HREF);

					if (href) {
						return href;

					return null;

				type: function (srcNode) {
					var type = srcNode.getAttribute(TYPE);

					if (type) {
						return type.toLowerCase();
					return null;

				title: function (srcNode) {
					if (srcNode.getAttribute(TITLE)) {
						return srcNode.getAttribute(TITLE);
					if (srcNode.getAttribute(VALUE)) {
						return srcNode.getAttribute(VALUE);
					if (srcNode.get(INNER_HTML)) {
						return srcNode.get(INNER_HTML);
					return null;

	 * The ButtonToggle class provides a two-state button
	 * @class ButtonToggle
	 * @extends Y.Button
	 * @constructor
	 * @param cfg {object} Configuration attributes

	Y.ButtonToggle = Y.Base.create(
			 * Overrides Button's <a href="Button.html#method__defPressFn">_defPressFn</a> 
			 * to produce the two-state effect
			 * @method _defPressFn
			 * @param ev {EventFacade}
			 * @private
			_defPressFn : function(ev) {
				if (!this.get(DISABLED)) {
					var newSelected = this.get(SELECTED)?0:1,
						fn = this.get(newSelected?CALLBACK:DESELECTED_CALLBACK);
					if (fn) {
						fn.apply(this, ev);
					this.set(SELECTED, newSelected);
					if (!this.ancestor) {
						if (newSelected) {
						} else {
			 * Class name suffixes for CSS classNames used in the widget.
			 * Produces the yui3-button-toggle-selected className to be added
			 * to the button if not within a ButtonGroup
			 * @property Y.ButtonToggle._CLASS_NAMES
			 * @type [Strings]
			 * @static
			 * @protected
			ATTRS : {
				 * Function to be called when the toggle is deselected
				 * @attribute deselectedCallback
				 * @type function or null
				 * @default null
				deselectedCallback : {
					value: null,
					validator : function (value) {
						return Lang.isFunction(value) || Lang.isNull(value);
}, '0.9', {
	requires: ['base-build','widget', 'makenode'],
	skinnable: true

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