Yahoo! UI Library

RowExpansionDataTable Widget  1.0

Yahoo! UI Library > rowexpansiondatatable > rowexpansion.js (source view)
* Row Expansion DataTable for YUI 2
* Author: / Eric Gelinas
* <br/>
* Modified by Daniel Barreiro (
* @module rowexpansiondatatable
* @requires yahoo, dom, event, element, datasource, datatable
* @title RowExpansionDataTable Widget

    var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
		Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
		Lang = YAHOO.lang,
		DT = YAHOO.widget.DataTable,

        ROW_EXPANSION = 'yuiDtRowExpansion',
		TEMPLATE = 'rowExpansionTemplate',

        CLASS_EXPANDED = 'yui-dt-expansion-expanded',
        CLASS_COLLAPSED = 'yui-dt-expansion-collapsed',
        CLASS_EXPANSION = 'yui-dt-expansion-expansion',
        CLASS_LINER = 'yui-dt-expansion-liner',
		CLASS_TRIGGER = 'yui-dt-expansion-trigger';

    * The RowExpansionDataTable class extends the DataTable class to provide
    * functionality for expanding rows to show more contextual data.
    * @namespace YAHOO.widget
    * @class RowExpansionDataTable
    * @extends YAHOO.widget.DataTable
    * @constructor
    * @param elContainer {HTMLElement} Container element for the TABLE.
    * @param aColumnDefs {Object[]} Array of object literal Column definitions.
    * @param oDataSource {YAHOO.util.DataSource} DataSource instance.
    * @param oConfigs {object} (optional) Object literal of configuration values.
    var REDT = function(elContainer,aColumnDefs,oDataSource,oConfigs) {

		// add trigger column
		});, elContainer,aColumnDefs,oDataSource,oConfigs); 

	YAHOO.widget.RowExpansionDataTable = REDT;

	// Copy over DataTable constants and other static members
	Lang.augmentObject(REDT, DT);
			 * Initialize internal event listeners
			 * @method _initEvents
			 * @private
			_initEvents: function () {;

                this.on( 'postRenderEvent', this.restoreExpandedRows );			
				this.on( 'cellClickEvent', this.onEventToggleRowExpansion );

			 * Loops through all Record instances in the RecordSet
			 * @method forAllRecords
			 * @param fn {Function} Reference to a function that will be called once for ever record.  
			 *                      fn will receive a Record instance and the index for the record as its arguments.
			 *                      fn may return false to break out of the loop.
			 * @param scope {Object} (optional) Scope to execute fn in.  It defaults to the DataTable instance.
			forAllRecords: function (fn, scope) {
				if (!Lang.isFunction(fn)) {return;}
				scope = scope || this;
				for (var recs = this._oRecordSet._records, l = recs.length, i = 0; i < l; i++) {
					if (, recs[i], i) === false) {return;}

             * Gets expansion state object for a specific record associated with the
             * DataTable.
             * @method getExpansionState
             * @param {Mixed} recordId Record / Row / or Index id
             * @param {String} key  (optional) Key to return within the state object. Default is to
             * return all as a map
             * @return {Object} State data object or value for Key. 
			 * The full state object contains <ul>
			 * <li><b>record</b>: reference to the associated Record instance</li>
			 * <li><b>expanded</b>: true when the row is expanded</li>
			 * <li><b>expTrEl</b>: the TR element for the expansion row</li>
			 * <li><b>expLinerEl</b>: the container for the expansion</li>
			 * <li><i>other</i>: Developers may store extra information in it</li>
			 * </ul>
            getExpansionState : function( recordId, key ){

                var record = this.getRecord( recordId ),
                    expansionState = record._expansionState;
				if (key) {
					return expansionState?expansionState[key]:null;
				} else {
					expansionState = expansionState || {};
					expansionState.record = record;
					return expansionState;

             * Sets a value to a expansion state object with a given Key for a record
             * which is associated with the DataTable
             * @method setExpansionState
             * @param {Mixed} recordId Record / Row / or Index id
             * @param {String} key Key to use in map
             * @param {Mixed} value Value to assign to the key
             * @return {Object} State data object
            setExpansionState : function( recordId, key, value ){

                var record = this.getRecord( recordId ),
                    expansionState = record._expansionState || (record._expansionState = {});

                expansionState[ key ] = value;

                return expansionState;


             * Over-ridden initAttributes method from DataTable, inherited from Element
             * @method initAttributes
             * @param {Object} configuration attributes taken from the fourth argument to the constructor
            initAttributes : function( oConfigs ) {

                oConfigs = oConfigs || {};

       this, oConfigs );

                 * Template for the expansion row.  
				 * If a String, it will be processed through YAHOO.lang.substitute and will have all the values
				 * in the associated Record available.
				 * If a Function, it will receive the expansion state object, see: <a href="#method_getExpansionState">getExpansionState</a></li>
                 * @attribute rowExpansionTemplate
                 * @type {String or Function} 
                 * @default null
                this.setAttributeConfig(TEMPLATE, {
                    value: null,
                    validator: function( template ){
                        return (
                            Lang.isString( template ) ||
                            Lang.isFunction( template )


             * Toggles the expansion state of a row
             * @method toggleRowExpansion
             * @param {Mixed} recordId Record / Row / or Index id
            toggleRowExpansion : function( recordId ){

                if( this.getExpansionState( recordId,'expanded' ) ){

                    this.collapseRow( recordId );

                } else {

                    this.expandRow( recordId );



             * Sets the expansion state of a row to expanded
             * @method expandRow
             * @param {Mixed} recordId Record / Row / or Index id
             * @return {Boolean} successful
            expandRow : function( recordId ){

                var state = this.getExpansionState( recordId );

                if( !state.expanded){
					this.setExpansionState( recordId, 'expanded', true );
					var expTrEl = state.expTrEl,
						record = state.record,
                        trEl = this.getTrEl( record );
					if (expTrEl) {
					} else {

						expTrEl = document.createElement('tr');
						var expTdEl = document.createElement( 'td' ),
							expLinerEl = document.createElement( 'div' ),
							template = this.get(TEMPLATE);

						Dom.addClass(expTrEl, CLASS_EXPANSION);
						expTdEl.colSpan = this.getFirstTrEl().childNodes.length;
						Dom.addClass(expLinerEl, CLASS_LINER);
						expTrEl.appendChild( expTdEl );
						expTdEl.appendChild( expLinerEl);
						this.setExpansionState( recordId, 'expTrEl', expTrEl);
						this.setExpansionState( recordId, 'expLinerEl', expLinerEl);
						// refresh the copy of the expansion state
						state = this.getExpansionState(recordId);

						if( Lang.isString( template ) ){

							expLinerEl.innerHTML = Lang.substitute( template, record.getData() );

						} else if( Lang.isFunction( template ) ) {,  state );

						} else {

							return false;


                    //Insert new row
                    Dom.insertAfter( expTrEl, trEl );

					Dom.replaceClass( trEl, CLASS_COLLAPSED, CLASS_EXPANDED );

					 * Fires when a row is expanded
					 * @event rowExpandedEvent
					 * @param state {Object} see <a href="#method_getExpansionState">getExpansionState</a>
					this.fireEvent( "rowExpandedEvent", state);

					return true;



             * Sets the expansion state of a row to collapsed
             * @method collapseRow
             * @param {Mixed} recordId Record / Row / or Index id
             * @return {Boolean} successful
            collapseRow : function( recordId ){

                var state = this.getExpansionState(recordId);

                if(state.expanded ){

                    this.setExpansionState( recordId, 'expanded', false );

                    Dom.replaceClass( this.getTrEl(state.record), CLASS_EXPANDED, CLASS_COLLAPSED );

					 * Fires when a row is collapsed
					 * @event rowCollapsedEvent
					 * @param state {Object} see <a href="#method_getExpansionState">getExpansionState</a>

					return true;

				} else {

					return false;



             * Collapses all expanded rows. 
             * @method collapseAllRows
            collapseAllRows : function(){



             * Restores rows which have been expanded state but the original markup
			 * has been removed from the page.
             * @method restoreExpandedRows
            restoreExpandedRows : function(){

				this.forAllRecords(function(record) {
					if (this.getExpansionState(record,'expanded')) {
						var trEl = this.getTrEl(record);
						if (trEl) {
							Dom.replaceClass(trEl,CLASS_COLLAPSED, CLASS_EXPANDED);        

			 * returns the container element for the expansion
			 * @method getExpansionContainer
             * @param {Mixed} recordId Record / Row / or Index id
			 * @return {HTMLElement} container element
			getExpansionContainer: function (recordId) {
				return this.getExpansionState(recordId,'expLinerEl');

             * Helper method which toggles row expansion. 
             * @method onEventToggleRowExpansion
             * @param {Object} oArgs context of a subscribed event
            onEventToggleRowExpansion : function( oArgs ){
				var column = this.getColumn(;
				if (column && column.key == ROW_EXPANSION) {

                    this.toggleRowExpansion( );
					return false;


			 * Destroys a expansion row
			 * @method _destroyExpansion
			 * @param recordId <HTMLElement | Number | String>    DOM reference to a TR element (or child of a TR element), RecordSet position index, or Record ID.
			 * @private
			_destroyExpansion: function (recordId) {
				var state = this.getExpansionState(recordId),
					expTrEl = state.expTrEl;
				if (expTrEl) {
					 * Fires when a row is about to be deleted
					 * @event rowExpansionDestroyEvent
					 * @param state {Object} see <a href="#method_getExpansionState">getExpansionState</a>
					this.fireEvent('rowExpansionDestroyEvent', state);
			 * Overrides DataTable's destroy method to also destroy expansion rows.
			 * @method destroy
			destroy: function() {
				REDT.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
			 * This is an override for DataTable's own <code>initializeTable</code>
			 * which it calls after it destroys all expansion rows
			 * @method initializeTable
			initializeTable: function () {
				REDT.superclass.initializeTable.apply(this, arguments);
			 * This is an override for DataTable's own <code>onDataReturnSetRows</code>
			 * which it calls after it destroys all expansion rows since
			 * with server-side pagination, with every new page it ignores the previous records
			 * @method onDataReturnSetRows
			onDataReturnSetRows: function () {
				REDT.superclass.onDataReturnSetRows.apply(this, arguments);
			 * This is an override for DataTable's own <code>deleteRow</code>
			 * to delete the expansion row before the main row is deleted
			 * @method deleteRow
			 * @param row {HTMLElement | String | Number} DOM element reference or ID string
			 * to DataTable page element or RecordSet index.
			deleteRow:function (row) {
			 * This is an override for DataTable's own <code>deleteRows</code>
			 * to delete the expansion rows before the main rows are deleted
			 * @method deleteRows
			 * @param row {HTMLElement | String | Number} DOM element reference or ID string
			 * to DataTable page element or RecordSet index.
			 * @param count {Number} (optional) How many rows to delete. A negative value
			 * will delete towards the beginning.
			deleteRows:function (row, count) {
				if (count > 0) {
					while (count--) {
						row = this.getNextTrEl(row);
				} else {
					while (count++) {
						row = this.getPreviousTrEl(row);


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