Yahoo! UI Library

NestedDataTable Widget  1.0

Yahoo! UI Library > nesteddatatable > nesteddatatable.js (source view)
 Copyright (c) 2010, Daniel Barreiro Lage (aka Satyam)
 Code licensed under the BSD License:
 version: 1.0 (YUI 2.8.0)
 * The NestedDataTable widget provides an extension to YAHOO.widget.DataTable 
 * that allows displaying nested DataTables nested within each row of the master table
 * @module nesteddatatable
 * @requires yahoo, dom, event, element, datasource, datatable
 * @title NestedDataTable Widget
 * NestedDataTable class for Satyam's NestedDataTable widget.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class NestedDataTable
 * @extends YAHOO.widget.DataTable
 * @constructor
 * @param elContainer {HTMLElement} Container element for the TABLE.
 * @param masterColDefs {Object[]} Array of object literal Column definitions for the master table.
 * @param masterDataSource {YAHOO.util.DataSource} DataSource instance for the master table.
 * @param nestedColDefs {Object[]} Array of object literal Column definitions for the nested tables.
 * @param nestedDataSource {YAHOO.util.DataSource} DataSource instance for the nested tables.
 * @param masterOptions {object} (optional) Object literal of configuration values for the master table.
 * @param nestedOptions {object} (optional) Object literal of configuration values for the nested tables.

(function () {
    var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
        Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
        Lang = YAHOO.lang,
        DT = YAHOO.widget.DataTable,
        NESTED = '__NESTED__',
        URL_GENERATOR = 'generateNestedRequest';

    var NDT = function (elContainer, masterColDefs, masterDataSource, nestedColDefs, nestedDataSource, masterOptions, nestedOptions) {
        this._nestedColDefs = nestedColDefs;
        this._nestedDataSource = nestedDataSource;
        this._nestedOptions = nestedOptions || {};

        // Add the column with the toggle button
            key: NESTED,
            label: ' ',
            className: NESTED,
            formatter: this._toggleFormatter
        });, elContainer, masterColDefs, masterDataSource, masterOptions);

        // Listen for a click on the toggle column
        this.on('cellClickEvent', this._onEventToggleNested);

        // Whenever the master table is re-rendered, for example, in a sort, 
        // we need to adjust the position of the child tables
        this.on('renderEvent', this._onMasterRendered);
        // on a window resize the master table may move around, 
        // we need to adjust the nested tables
        Event.on(window, 'resize', this._onWindowResized, this, true);

        // when rows are deleted, we need to delete the nested tables
        this.on('rowDeleteEvent', this._onRowDeleteDestroyNested);
        this.on('rowsDeleteEvent', this._onRowsDeleteDestroyNested);

    YAHOO.widget.NestedDataTable = NDT;

    Lang.extend(NDT, DT, {
        // adding the generateNestedRequest configuration attribute
        initAttributes: function (oConfigs) {
            NDT.superclass.initAttributes.apply(this, arguments);
             * @attribute generateNestedRequest
             * @description A function that receives a reference to the record in the master table being expanded 
             * and should return a value that will be used as the initialRequest configuration attribute for the nested
             * DataTable for this record.  The value returned varies depending on the type of DataSource used.
             * @type function
             * @default null
            this.setAttributeConfig(URL_GENERATOR, {
                value: null,
                validator: Lang.isFunction
         * Loops through all the records and calls the given function on all those
         * that have nested tables.
         * The function will receive:
         * <ul>
         * <li><code>detail</code>: details of the nested table (same as provided for all events)</li>
         * <li><code>record</code>: reference to the Record object in the master table</li>
         * </ul>
         * @method _forAllNested
         * @param fn {function} The function to be called on each nested tableelement to format with markup.
         * @private
        _forAllNested: function (fn) {
            var rs = this.getRecordSet(),
                rsl = rs.getLength(),
                record, detail;

            for (var i = 0; i < rsl; i++) {
                record = rs.getRecord(i);
                // With server-side paging and sorting, not all records might be present at once
                // Since you can skip pages, some intermediate records might be missing, 
                // we need to check they exist
                if (record) {
                    detail = record.getData(NESTED);
                    // I only care for records that have a NESTED field, 
                    // that means the record has a child table
                    if (detail) {
              , detail, record);

         * Checks the vertical positions of all the expanded nested tables
         * whenever the master table has been re-arranged
         * @method _checkPositions
         * @private
        _checkPositions: function () {
            this._forAllNested(function (detail, record) {
                if (detail.expanded) {
                    // Move it down from the top corner for as much as the original height of that row
                    Dom.setY(detail.div, Dom.getY( + detail.tdOrigHeight);
                    this.fireEvent('nestedMovedEvent', detail);
         * Formats the toggle cell.  
         * It is a standard cell formatter but is not made public since it is tied to the toggle column
         * and is useless in any other context
         * @method _toggleFormatter
         * @param el {HTMLElement} The element to format with markup.
         * @param oRecord {YAHOO.widget.Record} Record instance.
         * @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Column instance.
         * @param oData {Object} (Optional) Data value for the cell.
         * @private
        _toggleFormatter: function (el, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
            var expanded = oData && oData.expanded;
            if (expanded) {
                Dom.replaceClass(el, 'expand', 'collapse');
            } else {
                Dom.replaceClass(el, 'collapse', 'expand');
            el.innerHTML = '<a href="#" aria-role="button" aria-pressed="' + (expanded ? 'true' : 'false') + '"> &nbsp; </a>';
         * Expands or collapses the nested table.  
         * It is preset as the event listener for the cellClickEvent
         * and responds only on the toggle column
         * @method _onEventToggleNested
         * @param oArgs.event {HTMLEvent} Event object.
         * @param {HTMLElement} Target element.
         * @private
        _onEventToggleNested: function (oArgs) {
            var target =,
                event = oArgs.event,
                record = this.getRecord(target),
                column = this.getColumn(target);

            if (column.key == NESTED) {
                var td = this.getFirstTdEl(record),
                    detail = record.getData(NESTED);
                if (!detail) {
                    // if there are no details, we make a new nested table 
                    // and create the field to store the information about it
                    record.setData(NESTED, {
                        td: td,
                        expanded: true
                } else {
                    // if the nested table exists, we only need to toggle its visibility
                    // and make or take the space for it
                    if (detail.expanded) {
                        detail.expanded = false;
                        Dom.setStyle(td, 'height', null);
                        Dom.setStyle(detail.div, 'display', 'none');
                    } else {
                        detail.expanded = true;
                        Dom.setStyle(td, 'height', detail.tdNewHeight + 'px');
                        Dom.setStyle(detail.div, 'display', '');
                        // if the screen was resized while the table was hidden
                        // we need to position it once made visible since positioning values
                        // are ignored when invisible
                        if (detail.setHorizPos) {
                            Dom.setX(detail.div, Dom.getX(td) + Dom.getRegion(td).width);
                            detail.setHorizPos = false;

                    this.fireEvent('nestedToggleEvent', detail);

                    // whether we are collapsing or expanding the detail table
                    // we need to adjust the position of all the tables since they won't
                    // move along their master records
                // we have to redraw the toggle icon
                this.formatCell(this.getTdLinerEl(target), record, column);
                return false;

         * Event listener for the renderEvent on the master table.
         * When the master is rendered, the nested tables have to be repositioned
         * @method _onMasterRendered
         * @private
        _onMasterRendered: function () {
            this._forAllNested(function (detail, record) {
                // The rows of the master table will be redrawn so we need to
                // get a reference to the new toggle cell
       = this.getFirstTdEl(record);
                // The row might be paged out of view so we must check it is still there
                if ( {
                    if (detail.expanded) {
                        // the newly rendered cells will all be collapsed
                        // we need to make space for the nested tables
                        Dom.setStyle(, 'height', detail.tdNewHeight + 'px');
                } else {
                    // If the row is no longer visible we hide the nested table and mark it as not expanded
                    detail.expanded = false;
                    Dom.setStyle(detail.div, 'display', 'none');

            // now we set the positions

         * Event listener for the <code>window.resize</code> event.
         * Repositions the nested tables since the master table might have been moved around
         * @method _onWindowResized
         * @param ev {DOMEvent} the Event object from the DOM
         * @private
        _onWindowResized: function (ev) {
            this._forAllNested(function (detail, record) {
                var td =;
                // When the detail is expanded, we can adjust the position immediately
                // if not, we need to mark it pending since invisible elements cannot be positioned
                if (detail.expanded) {
                    Dom.setX(detail.div, Dom.getX(td) + Dom.getRegion(td).width);
                } else {
                    detail.setHorizPos = true;

         * Makes each of the nested tables
         * @method _makeNestedTable
         * @param record {YAHOO.widget.Record} the Record instance of the master table
         * @private

        _makeNestedTable: function (record) {
            var detail = record.getData(NESTED),
                urlGen = this.get(URL_GENERATOR),
                parent = this;

            // the reference to for the nested table can be fixed (I doubt it)
            // or produced by the generateNestedRequest function
            this._nestedOptions.initialRequest = (urlGen ?, record) : this._nestedOptions.initialRequest);
            // if there is no such request, we do nothing
            if (this._nestedOptions.initialRequest) {

                // Create the container for the child DataTable that will float
                var div = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
                Dom.addClass(div, NESTED_TABLE);

                // the nested datatables are regular instances of DataTable
                var dt = new DT(div, this._nestedColDefs, this._nestedDataSource, this._nestedOptions);

                // Since we need to measure the size of the child table to make it space under the master one
                // we have to wait until the table is initialized to find out how tall and wide it is
                dt.on('initEvent', function () {
                    var td =;

                    var tdRegion = Dom.getRegion(td),
                        tdHeight = tdRegion.height,
                        tdWidth = tdRegion.width,
                        tableWidth = Dom.getRegion(td.parentNode).width; // that should be the row
                    // We keep the original height of the row so we can collapse it to its original size					
                    detail.tdOrigHeight = tdHeight;
                    // We need first to set the width and then to measure the height of the table
                    // because if a long title gets in a narrow cell, it will get wrapped to the next
                    // line and make the table taller
                    Dom.setStyle(div, 'width', (tableWidth - tdWidth + 2) + 'px');
                    detail.tdNewHeight = tdHeight + Dom.getRegion(div).height;
                    Dom.setStyle(td, 'height', detail.tdNewHeight + 'px');
                    // I offset the child table to the right of the expand icon
                    Dom.setX(div, Dom.getX(td) + tdWidth);
                // We store both the container and the reference to this child table in the record
                detail.div = div;
                detail.dt = dt;
                this.fireEvent('nestedCreateEvent', detail);

         * Destroys a nested table
         * @method _destroyNested
         * @param detail.div {HTMLElement} The DIV element containing the nested table instance.
         * @param detail.dt {YAHOO.widget.DataTable} The nested DataTable instance.
         * @param detail.expanded {Boolean} Whether the master record is expanded and the nested table visible
         * @param {HTMLElement} The toggle cell in the row of the master table
         * @param detail.tdNewHeight {Integer} The height, in pixels, needed for the row in the master record to hold the nested DataTable.
         * @param detail.tdOldHeight {Integer} The original height, in pixels, of the row in the master record before it was expanded.
         * @private
        _destroyNested: function (detail) {
            if (detail) {
                this.fireEvent('nestedDestroyEvent', detail);
         * This is an override for DataTable's own <code>initializeTable</code>
         * which it calls after it destroys all nested tables.		 
         * @method initializeTable
        initializeTable: function () {

            NDT.superclass.initializeTable.apply(this, arguments);
         * This is an override for DataTable's own <code>onDataReturnSetRows</code>
         * which it calls after it destroys all nested tables since
         * with server-side pagination, with every new page it ignores the previous records
         * @method onDataReturnSetRows
        onDataReturnSetRows: function () {
            NDT.superclass.onDataReturnSetRows.apply(this, arguments);

         * Event listener for the <code>rowDeleteEvent</code> event.
         * Destroys the nested table, if any.
         * @method _onRowDeleteDestroyNested
         * @param oArgs.oldData {Object} Object literal of the deleted data.
         * @param oArgs.recordIndex {Number} Index of the deleted Record.
         * @param oArgs.trElIndex {Number} Index of the deleted TR element, if on current page.
         * @private

        _onRowDeleteDestroyNested: function (oArgs) {
         * Event listener for the <code>rowsDeleteEvent</code> event.
         * Destroys the nested tables, if any.
         * @method _onRowsDeleteDestroyNested
         * @param oArgs.oldData {Object[]} Array of object literals of the deleted data.
         * @param oArgs.recordIndex {Number} Index of the first deleted Record.
         * @param oArgs.count {Number} Number of deleted Records.
         * @private
        _onRowsDeleteDestroyNested: function (oArgs) {
            for (var i = 0; i < oArgs.oldData.length; i++) {


 * Fired when a nested table has been moved.
 * @event nestedMovedEvent
 * @param oArgs.div {HTMLElement} The DIV element containing the nested table instance.
 * @param oArgs.dt {YAHOO.widget.DataTable} The nested DataTable instance.
 * @param oArgs.expanded {Boolean} Whether the master record is expanded and the nested table visible
 * @param {HTMLElement} The toggle cell in the row of the master table
 * @param oArgs.tdNewHeight {Integer} The height, in pixels, needed for the row in the master record to hold the nested DataTable.
 * @param oArgs.tdOldHeight {Integer} The original height, in pixels, of the row in the master record before it was expanded.
 * Fired when the row in the master table has been expanded or collapsed.
 * @event nestedToggleEvent
 * @param oArgs.div {HTMLElement} The DIV element containing the nested table instance.
 * @param oArgs.dt {YAHOO.widget.DataTable} The nested DataTable instance.
 * @param oArgs.expanded {Boolean} Whether the master record is expanded and the nested table visible
 * @param {HTMLElement} The toggle cell in the row of the master table
 * @param oArgs.tdNewHeight {Integer} The height, in pixels, needed for the row in the master record to hold the nested DataTable.
 * @param oArgs.tdOldHeight {Integer} The original height, in pixels, of the row in the master record before it was expanded.
 * Fired when a nested table has been created.
 * @event nestedCreateEvent
 * @param oArgs.div {HTMLElement} The DIV element containing the nested table instance.
 * @param oArgs.dt {YAHOO.widget.DataTable} The nested DataTable instance.
 * @param oArgs.expanded {Boolean} Whether the master record is expanded and the nested table visible
 * @param {HTMLElement} The toggle cell in the row of the master table
 * @param oArgs.tdNewHeight {Integer} The height, in pixels, needed for the row in the master record to hold the nested DataTable.
 * @param oArgs.tdOldHeight {Integer} The original height, in pixels, of the row in the master record before it was expanded.
 * Fired when a nested table is about to be destroyed.
 * @event nestedDestroyEvent
 * @param oArgs.div {HTMLElement} The DIV element containing the nested table instance.
 * @param oArgs.dt {YAHOO.widget.DataTable} The nested DataTable instance.
 * @param oArgs.expanded {Boolean} Whether the master record is expanded and the nested table visible
 * @param {HTMLElement} The toggle cell in the row of the master table
 * @param oArgs.tdNewHeight {Integer} The height, in pixels, needed for the row in the master record to hold the nested DataTable.
 * @param oArgs.tdOldHeight {Integer} The original height, in pixels, of the row in the master record before it was expanded.

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